I'm a big bloke (7ft tall) and I am forever reading. This will mostly be my thoughts as I am reading and possibly a review or two. You may know me as Archer.
I am basically a lurker. My life revolves around my wife, my cats, Books, and entertainment.
I'm working on building and setting up a forge and I'm generally one of those people who can be found causing or in the middle of mischief somewhere...
This is actually the first book I have read and loved in a loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong assed time. I mean like, over a fucking year, so for me this book is pure gold. I didn't read it. I fucking devoured it around work.
I love the voice of the book. The dark humour, the sarcasm, the cynicism, the disco... It's all good. The science is heavy science but it is all plausible. I love it. I cannot recommend it to sci-fi fans enough.
This book opened with a very simple
"I'm Fucked, I'm going to die"
And it got better from there. I'm loving this so far. First book in too long that has truly gripped me!
A celebratory STGRB haiku:
Scrub the internet
of your bile and hatefulness
Fuck off, Vanity
You pick up your book/Kindle/Kobo/Nook (whatever you primarily read on) and nothing you try to read, not even your favourite book in the world, can engage you?
I got this from a comment to Jim Hines blog - by someone named Sharon. It needs more visibility so I am posting it here, and editing my blog post about her manipulation to add the information.
"However, I just checked the timeline, and I believe Hale is lying, as usual. The tweet exchange re “I want some ideas!” all took place in early November. Harris had NOT finished her updates at that point. She had started out by loving the book, and said so.
She had only written one vaguely negative sentence about the book: “I could REALLY do without the multiple animal deaths in this one…” and that was on 10th November. So, at that point Harris had not yet formed a negative opinion on the book, so we can assume the interaction was completely innocent.
Then, for her article, Hale reframed the interaction to make it seem that Harris had contacted her AFTER she had written the rest of her updates, which just isn’t true! In fact, a damned lie!
Here again is the Tweet screenshot of the initial exchange: link
Note the dates.
And here again the actual review: link
Again, note the dates.
Hale is lying through her teeth. She did not, at the time of Harris’s initial contact, go and check and found a bad review. She found a predominantly GOOD review at that time. Much later, she changed the timeline so as to make Harris look like the evil stalker."
Thank you, Sharon, wherever you are, for noticing something that no one else, even those of us who have pulled about the piece from start to finish, noticed. Someone should hire you as a detective.
I am going to post a few links for anyone who is interested:
This is the link to the original tweet from Hale that sought ideas for her next book from readers:
Google cache
You'll note that the sum of the content from Harris to Hale was two words: sleep paralysis. From those two words, Hale found Harris's review on GR. The link to that review is:
You'll note from reading that review, should you decide to do so, that Harris really didn't like the book. However, her status updates are firmly focused on the book, which contains objectionable content as far as she was concerned. She doesn't insult the author personally and doesn't take her focus off the book. She is pleasant to the people commenting who enjoyed the book, and at one point, even says that she is glad that the book worked for them, but it didn't for her.
From that, apparently, Hale became obsessed with Harris and began following her all over the internet. Again - so far the only document content from Harris to Hale was the two words "sleep paralysis."
The next thing that Hale talks about in her Guardian article is that she sub-tweets something in response to a three-star review that gets the bloggers upset with her. She associates that with Harris. However, the documentation from twitter shows that her upset was actually in response to a blog review by a blogger name Kara, who blogs for Great Imaginations. You can find that blog here:
In response to that review, Hale became upset. When Kara tweeted about her manuscript in progress, the following tweets occurred:
Notice that Blythe Harris had absolutely nothing to do with that exchange. It involved Bibliodaze. The fact that Hale mentions it in her article as though it is related to Blythe Harris at all demonstrates, first, how freaking far 'round the bend she has gone related to Blythe Harris and second, how little actual fact-checking she did - even of stuff that directly involved her - she did for her "article."
She is now referring to her stalking as "journalism" which is so desperately laughable that it is offensive. I can only hope that some "real" journalists take issue with the idea that their jobs involve tracking down the people who have made them mad through subterfuge and lies, and then going to their houses to confront them.
Oh dear god all mighty somebody find this man and crown him the King of Creative Profanity. He is a God among Mere Mortals, The Deity Of The Well Placed Eff-Bomb.
"You slopebrowed weaseldicks with zero reading comprehension and even less critical thinking skills who think an article claiming “Gamers are dead” is something bad? Fuck me sideways with a sandblaster."
This is a glorious rant.
Read it. Revel in it.
Just wondering - do you think that The Guardian violated their own code of ethics with the Kathleen Hale piece?
Find it here.
Pay special attention to the following:
We are making this official and we hope you'll take this stand with us.
We as book bloggers will not give Kathleen Hale any publicity. No book tours, no interviews, no cover reveals, no reviews, not a shred of work from us. What she did is heinous and we can fight back in our own way. She has a new book coming out next year. Let's ignore it completely.
Please join us. Come to Twitter & declare #HaleNo. Say No to Kathleen Hale.
(Credit to Cuddlebuggery for the epic tag)
Found this on Twitter, maybe most of you have seen this but if not- Warning, violence triggers: https://medium.com/profiles-in-courage/catch-me-if-you-can-aspca-777a7d4031e9
-=Archers addition=-
Now I am even more concerned for Blythe's safety
Sign & pass it along!