I just want to say that, just because I know Suz and talk with her regularly it doesn't mean she will get special treatment. I will be honest with my review when I've finished to book...REVIEW:I caved at 36%. I'm sorry Suz I tried I really did. The plot shows a lot of promise but I just couldn't read any more. It wasn't the gore, it wasn't the fart jokes. It was a little bit of the YA insta-love you had going on but mostly... it was because in my eyes this book needs a lot of polishing. There is a lot of passive voice in this book and it just made me feel detached. It felt like the action wasn't active. I was being told about it but not shown. I know I'm not your target demographic, but I can see this story has a lot of good potential you just need more experience with writing, and editing. I hope this doesn't put you off writing because I'm sure all authors go through similar stages in their development. It's all about practice. I honestly wish you all the very best of luck with your work in the future but at this moment in time... I didn't like it.*EDIT*I'm a little bit disheartened that Suz seems to have pulled this book, and disappeared from the face of the blogosphere after a few less than gushing reviews, in spite of all the praise she has gotten.